Kerry Kaemper has worked behind the scenes in local film and School/University productions for a number of years. Work that has included organizing a Kylie Minogue tribute/talent show, editing and producing content for RPATv, scouting locations, assisting with design and sourcing props for local short films, as well as working as a Wardrobe Assistant at the Footbridge Theatre for a production of Grease. In 2016 Kerry and Kel Vance formed Village Spirit Productions, a perfect pairing with both Kerry and Kel passionate about the importance of innovative and unique storytelling with women at the heart. Kerry used her immense talents for the first time as a producer in theatre, for ‘The Shoebox” a role she was a natural at, helping the successful production move into the Peoples Choice Showcase for the Short + Sweet Theatre Festival in Sydney.
In February 2017 Kerry produced Kel Vance's #NotAllMen, a short play that was performed at the Short+Sweet Theatre Festival in Sydney. Kerry was excited to continue to work with Village Spirit Productions on "The Eulogy" in 2018, where “The Eulogy”, directed by Brendan Paul, was chosen as both Judges and Peoples Choice, reaching the Gala Final of Short+Sweet Sydney, where Lola Bond received Runner-Up for Best Actress.
Currently Kerry is using her extensive creative skills working on getting both of Kel’s full length plays, “The Deal” and “Fake Plastic Trees”on the stage both here and overseas - while also scoping out filming opportunites for Kel’s works to be made into film.